Our clients benefit from:

Individualized approach: We consider pre-existing conditions, limitations, and goals.

Start slow and progress gradually: We begin with low intensity and duration, gradually increasing as your fitness improves.

Focus on all fitness components: We combine aerobic exercise, strength training, balance and flexibility exercises for a well-rounded program.

Prioritize safety and proper form: We use appropriate equipment, avoid risky movements, and seek guidance on safe technique.

Make it enjoyable and sustainable:Choose activities you like, incorporate social interaction, and find ways to fit exercise into your routine.

Evidence-Based Fitness:

Aerobic exercise: Moderate-intensity of aerobic activity or interval training with alternating bursts of high and low intensity shows promise for improved cardiometabolic health in seniors.

Strength training: Include exercises for all major muscle groups using body weight, resistance bands, or light weights. Our 45-minute sessions focusing have demonstrated effectiveness in improving strength, function, and quality of life.

Balance and flexibility: We Incorporate exercises like tai chi, yoga, or simple chair-based stretches to improve balance, coordination, and range of motion- have evidence for reducing fall risk and improving physical function.

Mind-body activities: Activities like yoga, tai chi, or meditation for stress reduction, improved mood, and cognitive function.

Our home fitness training can be adapted to various fitness levels and abilities. Whether it's chair-based exercises, gentle yoga, or walking indoors, even small amounts of movement can yield significant benefits.